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West Valley High School

Heather Damario, heather.damario@k12northstar.org


The Republic of Cyprus has been a part of the United Nations since it gained independence from Great Britain in 1960. Cyprus has since struggled with the conflict between the Greek Cypriots, who make up the majority, and the Turkish Cypriots, the minority. The country’s internal issues required the formation of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus in 1964. After disputes with Greece, Turkey gained control of northern Cyprus, forming the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (recognized only by Turkey) in 1983. The rest of the island is controlled by the Cypriot Government, which is internationally recognized. Despite the country’s disputes with Turkey and internal tension, Cyprus hopes to resolve these conflicts and cooperate with other countries to address other, more global, issues. The country hopes to work towards solutions for environmental protection and improving infrastructure through the sustainable development goals and potential new resolutions.


In January of 2017, Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders participated in three days of peace talks which took place in Geneva, showing efforts for global cooperation. Although a solution has not been reached yet, these conferences are considered by Cyprus’ leaders and others involved in the negotiations to be approaching a critical point in the nation’s reunification. JeanClaude Juncker, the European commission president, who participated in the discussions, stated, “I really think, without overdramatising what is happening in Geneva, that this is the very last chance to see the island being recomposed in a normal way.” Cyprus’ issues involving Turkey have also persisted with Turkey’s illegal use of the ports in northern Cyprus. In a letter to UN SecretaryGeneral Antonio Guterres, Cyprus representative Kornelious Korneliou wrote, “The Republic of Cyprus reiterates, in this respect, its call for adherence to the principle of sovereignty and noninterference enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.” Cyprus views these infringements as a risk to the country’s attempts to reunify and filed a report to the UN to protest Turkey’s actions.


Although Cyprus is in the process of gradually resolving its division and disputes with Turkey, the nation also hopes to cooperate with other members of the United Nations to address the sustainable development goals. Cyprus’ SDG plans are instituted through the country’s various ministries, and are both in line with the European Union’s goals, and on schedule for implementation. Although Cyprus has reached completed some goals (including access to water resources and ending human trafficking), it recognizes that a great deal of work will be needed to fully achieve all of its goals. The nation’s current challenges include public health and the mitigation of environmental exploitation. Cyprus hopes to work with other nations in its region, including Greece, Israel, and Egypt (which it has already developed agreements with) to help with ocean pollution incidents, in support of SDG 14. It is also willing to work with all countries toward global establishment of these goals. The Republic of Cyprus encourages all members of the United Nations to closely examine their current policies related to the sustainable development goals, in order to strengthen the plans to achieve them.




Andreou, Evie. "Cyprus files report to UN protesting Turkish actions." Cyprus Mail, 3 Feb. 2018, cyprusmail. com/2018/02/03/cyprusfilesreportunprotestingturkishactions/. Accessed 6 Feb. 2018.


"Cyprus." CIA World Factbook, www.cia.gov/library/publications/theworldfactbook/ geos/ cy.html. Accessed 2 Feb. 2018.


"Cyprus Statement." Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform, 19 July 2017, sustainabledevelopment.un.org/memberstates/cyprus. Accessed 7 Feb. 2018.


"Establishment of UNPFICYP." UNPFICYP , unficyp.unmissions.org/establishmentunficyp. Accessed 2 Feb. 2018.


“Region: Cyprus.” SDG Toolkit Cyprus Region , sdgtoolkit.org/region/cyprus. Accessed 6 Feb. 2018.


Smith, Helena. "Cyprus's Greek and Turkish leaders edge closer to ending conflict." The Guardian, 11 Jan. 2017. Accessed 6 Feb. 2018.


"Sustainable Development Strategy, 2007 Cyprus." Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform, 2007, www.un.org/esa/agenda21/natlinfo/countr/cyprus/nsds_2007en. Accessed 7 Feb. 2018.

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