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MUN AK 2014

Committee on Traditional Medicines (CTM), 

Sponsor: Israel

Signing of the Deborah Research Treaty


Committee on Traditional Medicines,

1.Recalling Israel as the top rated nation in research and development, Israel wishes to continue this with another breakthrough with herbal medicine and natural treatments,

2. Recognizing Israel has long been known as the “Land of Milk and Honey” and that Devorah or Deborah is the Hebrew word for bee,

Taking into account the many healing qualities of honey such as but not limited to; dietary weight loss, skin treatment, and anti-bacterial properties, which as a byproduct produces hydrogen peroxide, as well as, the characteristics of honey depends on the flora, and that pollination on a farm can not be used for producing specific honeys with specific characteristics,

3. Deploring the high cost of many prescription drugs which in many cases those who cannot afford them need, and the fact that the high cost of medicine is a major cause in unaffordable health care,

4. Confident that relieving suffering through low cost medicines will improve the ability to fund other more valuable research programs,


Reaffirming the globe’s commitment to affordable health care for the world,

1. Confirms research and development into the healing properties of honey, is a viable solution to the high cost of prescription drugs;

2. Endorses the diligent work of scientists, researchers, and developers in Israel to the task of using nature nurtured by man to ease suffering;

3. Calls upon the world to recognize the healing potential of herbs, and need not name many nations, which has or are still using natural healing remedies such as from herbs; 4. Confirms Israel will use the laboratory of the bees to make honey for pharmaceutical purposes thus decreasing the research and development costs of pharmaceutical drugs dramatically;

5. Recognizing a testing facility which can quarantine hives to specific flora in order to produce the medicines required is needed in order to conduct proper research and development;

6. Additionally Calls for the World Bank to fund 200 million for the building of (2) 200-acre, completely self sustained research facility to be located in the Dead Sea, and within the Micronesian Islands;

7. Assures all oversight of research be conducted by a team of professionals in the field of traditional medicine, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture, and will form the Deborah Research Organization or DRO;

8. Reassures all medical discoveries to be completely tested and available to the market in less time than prescription drugs available now on the market;

9. Calls upon all nations to sign and ratify the Deborah Research Treaty.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.